### Project
IPOR Protocol
### Description
IPOR Protocol provides an index of DeFi lending rate and allows for opening interest rate swaps based on this index. IPOR Protocol since inception has und…
I have trained the model and want to use that for testing which ckpt file am i supposed to use for testing as i think the run_DF_test file was meant for pretrained model
I try to reproduce the code but get stuck in cuda out of memory error when loading Inception-v3 model.
I tried both on a Windows 10 PC with Nvidia 1060X graphic card (6G) and a Linux server with Nv…
Hi Chen, great work for adversarial attack using diffusion models, I am trying to run your code but getting the following errors:
python main.py --model_name "inception" --save_dir output --images_…
I'm trying to integrate my custom TensorFlow model to OpenCVForUnity DNN modules but the Unity editor crash. I have already trained my model using Keras and convert the model to .pb. Howev…
Hello. I tried using the demo code of Codi (https://github.com/microsoft/i-Code/tree/main/i-Code-V3) to reproduce results on the AudioCaps dataset. However, I was unable to achieve the results reporte…
when i have execute this command on Ubuntu ..
python src/generative/train_vae.py src.generative.models.dfc_vae ~/datasets/clf_mtcnnpy_128 src/models/inception_resnet_v1 ~/models/export/20170512-11…
i tried to run this code in tensorflow-gpu, but i am facing this issue while execute train command,
(tensor_gpu) C:\Users\admin\Downloads\models\research\object_detection>python train.py -…
@huiyegit and @shihaoji thank you for the nice work. I am using code for AttnGAN+CL. I am trying to generated samples by using
Sampling and get the R-precision:
python main.py --cfg cfg/eval_bird.…