Verificar as legendas quando o usuario entregar uma legenda unica para cada indicador.
As a suggestion, we can add an internal window with partner logos and names, the same one displayed when a user accesses the WebMap. It should include an option in the footer to open that window on de…
Dêem um oi aqui para participar.
Bug while enabling timedimension, selected date does not match rendered tiles.
Amazon Biome Temporal Mosaic (Timedimension Disabled - Default date = 01/01/2023)
Please add me to the Short Course Students GitHub team.
# Username:
In [`f5831bd`](https://github.com/dissm-inpe/dsat-upptime/commit/f5831bdf1302c7dba6faa747684ec24cbc655c69
), DSAT (https://www.cptec.inpe.br/dsat) was **down**:
- HTTP code: 0
- Response time: 0 ms
J'ai une livraison avec un fichier `data/inpe.gpkg` que je veux supprimer.
J'ai une erreur :
> * url: https://data.geopf.fr/api/datastores/.../uploads/.../data
> * method: DELETE
> * para…
Implements a feature in the DETER Daily panel to provide a way to read a list of priority municipalities and select them in the panel as a filter.
This feature must display a button as a menu optio…
Quando não indicado um `billing_project_id` na função `get_table_size` o erro que aparece é:
TypeError: get_table_size() missing 1 required positional argument: 'billing_project…
Implements a feature in the DETER Daily panel to provide a way to read a list of priority municipalities and select them in the panel as a filter.
This feature must display a button as a menu optio…