由于IPSec解决的是两个地理位置隔离的网络的互通问题,那么在技术角度上来说就是使两个在Internet上不相连的两个网络能够私密的胡同,IPSec的加解密动作是在Internet VPN出口网关来做的。
由于IPSec的工作方式原来是设计给分支机构和总部互通需求设计的,分支机构的报文在出分支机构后进入Internet前IPSec VPN网关来加密报文,对端IPSec VPN网关来解密报文并发送…
**To Reproduce**
Install Windows 11 22H2 (on VirtualBox in my case).
Configure L2TP/IPSec VPN connection with pre-shared key in built-in Windows VPN client. All needed settings can be done via GUI.
ansible_host应该怎么写,一会儿`servername.example.com ansible_ssh_host=ip.of.server ansible_ssh_user=some-user`, 一会儿`testvm.example.com ansible_ssh_host= ansible_ssh_us…
### NetBox version
### Feature type
Change to existing functionality
### Proposed functionality
In the core, the last_updated field column shows up as "Last updated" when other columns hav…
After generating the root certificate, you can directly export the certificate file without the user to create it in your vpn script
> Everything is converted except for ``, ``, ``, and `` tags.
In the context of markdown strings, it would be amazing if inline code and code block snippets could be ignored (considering adding [sm…
希望能在下个版本添加ipsec vpn,iphone手机自带的vpn
Hello Mark,
I am looking for this 'make all' command you mentioned at: "You can easily deploy everything using the following command make all at the root project.". I see Makefile but even though, is…
这个固件非常好,尤其是IPV6功能,不用设置直接能取得IPV6地址,并且软路由中设备能通过IPV6测试。现发现的问题:1,IPSec VPN成功连上,但客户端不能上网。2,设置了端口转发,但是仍然不能从外网访问路由下内网中宝塔里面的网站。3,SSRP插件182版本谷歌测试能不过。降级为181功能正常。
### Description of the bug
1. Если использовать установку через скачивание установочного скрипта посредством curl:
После создания соединения оно просто-напросто не активируется в панели управления…