I want to build SBOMs on my project.
mvn install
can collect all dependencies and gives me success:
However running your plugin like this:
mvn or…
基础java-引用 java-集合 java-时间 java-io java-随机数 高级java多线程 java设计模式 SpringBoot集成使用 SpringCloud集成使用 资料整理Java新特性 Java9之后到Java14 Java8特性介绍 RxJava学习
堆栈信息:You have duplicate classes with the same name : META-INF.versions.9.module-info please remove duplicate classes
Follow up on [fix Java9 DateFormat changes](https://github.com/google/gson/pull/1211#top)
Android is moving to newer Java implementations
from https://developer.android.com/about/version…
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### 简要描述
和 Java 9 有什么关系?
xtuer updated
7 years ago
The present repository is a rescue of the abandoned one at googlecode.com. I don't have rights to push to sonatype, so any edits made here must be consumed elsewise. However, this project was create…
See paper at http://blog.acolyer.org/2015/05/06/blade-a-data-center-garbage-collector/
This might be fairly easy to achieve, host System/GCs on a timer. Before doing so, it writes out to ZooKeeper th…
Ribbon makes extensive use of split packages (e.g. package com.netflix.client being both in ribbon-core and ribbon-loadbalancer, or package com.netflix.client.http in both ribbon-httpclient and ribbon…
With #1867 done it becomes possible to add code that interacts with the module path and scan modules for feature files. Our current implementation of the JUnit Platform Engine doesn't support this yet…