Could you implement a noop() function in the I18n/Translator?
public static function noop($key) {
return $key;
Reason for it is to define a noop keyword in Poedit to synchronize keys …
Hmm, irgendwas ist komisch. Auch wenn die Tests mit dem EM Mock laufen, ein manueller Itegrationstest ist fehlgeschlagen. Obwohl ein entsprechender Eintrag angelegt worden ist, liefert die Resource tr…
everything worked fine with swagger-springmvc until we had to configure a org.springframework.context.event.SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster. This multicaster allows spring to handle application even…
Last night I figured out JPA AttributeConverter and implemented this in the mmm project:
the effect:
you scroll total > limit records.
after reload selection is impossible.
no ideas by now.
maybe we shold take the easy way, that relaod in grids means to start at zero offset, do it all n…
The goal of this issue is to deploy the current release on GlassFish4
From a [mailing list bug report](http://mailman.cs.umn.edu/archives/lenskit/2013q4/000243.html): when deploying LensKit in a Glassfish 4 app, the Glassfish CDI tries to instantiate all the LensKit cla…
Was: JEE7 server chokes when including waffle-jna 1.6 due to Guava issue 1433
I'm trying to use Waffle inside glassfish, but it chokes with :
[glassfish 4.0] [SEVERE] [] [javax.enterprise.system.cor…
Right now we have 2 Bridge, we need a single one that merge both.