Apakah wiki BlankOn juga perlu dilengkapi dengan halaman istilah-istilah umum tik seperti unduh, daring, dlsb?
Versi: 20190923
baper baper 0 0 0 0 Kamus baper baper
baperan baperan 0 0 0 0 Lain baperan baperan
bawa perasaan > baperan > baper. Jadi, bukan bapera…
**Describe the bug**
can't find a way to encrypt a secret with the prefix of "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n".
tried with wrapping the secret with " or `, each one giving a different error
versi: 20190923
ekranisasi ekranisasi 0 0 0 0 Kamus ekranisasi ekranisasi
layar putih pelayarputihan 0 0 peN--an 0 Lain pelayarputihan pelayarputihan
sumber: https://beritagar.id/artikel/seni-h…
**Describe the bug**
I have configured service principal in Azure and also the respective key vault with a secret name token. I'm using AD so, I'm trying to encrypt using the following flags:
**Describe the bug**
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
**Versions used**
Kamus (API images):
Kamus CLI: 0.3.0
Chart version: 0.4.8
KMS provider: AWS KMS
Kubernetes f…
I installed kamus using these steps:
$ key=$(openssl rand -base64 32 | tr -d '\n')
$ helm upgrade --install kamus soluto/kamus --set keyManager.AES.key=$key
Here are my pods:
**Describe the bug**
After deleting the secret created through CRD Object KamusSecret- Unable to re-create the secret with the same name as Kamus fails with error `kamussecrets.soluto.com "secret" …
**Describe the bug**
Hi. My kamus-controller workload is in a crash loop with the following:
insertId: "saxa15st9g1bwertn"
jsonPayload: {
Exception: "Microsoft.Rest.HttpOperation…
It would be great if https://www.agwa.name/projects/git-crypt/ or https://github.com/mozilla/sops could be supported OOTB.
While I am aware of solutions like sealed https://github.com/bitnami-labs/…