**GitHub** https://github.com/img2001jpg/kirby-initializr
> Kirby 2.5.4 without the original starterkit but a cleaner HTML5 Boilerplate template.
**GitHub** https://github.com/Thiousi/kirby-drafts-widget
> Kirby drafts widget. It shows a list of unpublished pages in a widget on the panel.
**GitHub** https://github.com/Thiousi/kirby-color-list
> A color picker in the form of a list of colors for Kirby
**GitHub** https://github.com/medienbaecker/kirby-enhanced-textarea
> Text area field with enhanced formatting options.
_**Pagelink button - without selection: Inserts link and page name**_
**GitHub** https://github.com/sebsel/queue-for-kirby
> This plugin adds a basic queue to the Kirby CMS, using Cron and Kirby's flat file system. Plugin will also add a widget to the panel dashboard…
**GitHub** https://github.com/lukaskleinschmidt/kirby-sortable
> You have to change the name of the plugin folder form `modules-field` to `sortable`.
> The plugin still includes the `modules` fiel…
**GitHub** https://github.com/getkirby-solutions/heroku
> How to deploy Kirby CMS to Heroku cloud platform
**GitHub** https://github.com/jenstornell/kirby-keyword-map
> See SEO keywords in your text as a map.
In a fresh installation, I just got the error `could not find driver` displayed in the panel.
It took me quite some research to find out this was PDO drivers which were missing on that particular s…
I'm using the plugin to generate several different feeds for the same pages. One is for standard feed readers, and several others are for cross-posting to other places. Each feed uses different…