I've updated to Traktor 3.3, installed the new files. Traktor runs and everything seems to be working fine. The only thing that's not working is Key Match Guides in the Browser.
when I try to create previews for a vst3 plugin, Bitwig shuts down and I get this error
Related: https://github.com/runtimeverification/evm-semantics/issues/1401
We should consider supporting Foundry [fork tests](https://book.getfoundry.sh/forge/fork-testing), which would make it easi…
### Clear and concise description of the problem
Artık indirebileceğimiz bir uygulama ve siramizi kontrol edebileceğimiz filtreleme seçeneği gelmeli
### Suggested solution
Artık indirebileceğimiz b…
This might be specific to me, I wanted to test drive this on the Pi3 that i had laying in a drawer and it seems to work better than i was able to get it to run on stock Rasperry Pi OS, however I notic…
The kore-rpc and kore-rpc-booster logs ar ethe way we tell the user what simplifications are happening where. These logs are in Kore format, and output information about what rules apply/don't apply. …
Ayarlar tablosundaki satirlarin ayarlar ekraninda uiname sutunuyla isimlendirilmesi ve gorunurlulugunun show_disable sutunuyla kontrol edilmesi
Su anda resimde goruldugu gibi her satir manuel eklenme…
As described in Title, Traktor 3.11.0 Crashes when connecting Kontrol S5 using the Nexus mod.