Hi! I am trying to integrate this to Themosis Framework using Laravel Framework on top of wordpress but for some reason when i use composer i am having problems with the depencies deleting the illumin…
Hi i realise each time I make a deposit or withdraw, the package creates a new wallet row.
This ends up making the `holder_id` have more than one wallet instance.
But the way I want it is that it sh…
**Describe the bug**
Since [3.1.4](https://github.com/bavix/laravel-wallet/releases/tag/3.1.4) mention the package is supported, but it has similar bug occur on issue https://github.com/bavix/laravel…
I want to insert new column to transaction table to maintain my operations. What are the steps.
Also how can I insert values to newly added column at the time of deposit.
There are two database connections in my project. I want to connect to another database, do I support the connection attribute, and what should I do.
Use version
lumen 7.2
laravel-wallet 5.3
im just runing documentation testing code nothing else.
User Model
**Describe the bug**
Laravel 9.28 **added Eloquent mode to prevent silently discarding fills for attributes not in $fillable ([#43893](https://github.com/laravel/framework/pull/43893))**
**To Repr…
Currently we can achieve this by creating another wallet for locked balance but when we have to deal with multiple currencies its a mess.
We can simply add a locked column after balance and add ab…
in my user model I extend to use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
namespace App\Models;
use App\Notifications\VerifyEmailQueued;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\MustVerify…