Hi, I'm getting the following error when I run pyLDAvis.gensim.prepare():
> IndexError: index 70987 is out of bounds for axis 1 with size 70987
My code is as follows:
model = gensim…
Hi @koheiw,
I was giving the package a go and really like how you implemented things so far.
I noticed a strange issue when trying to use `LDAvis` though:
``` r
Does this `debug=TRUE` help you to understand what is the cause of the error execution?
> tagged.results sessionInfo()
R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-…
When running the Gensim Newsgroup colab..
vis_data = gensimvis.prepare(lda, corpus, dictionary)
the new version now reports in developer's console
I'm very excited to see that there is now an LDAVis alternative that works with embeddings! Your documentation and colab illustrate how to load the Newsgroup dataset. But could you also add sthg (for …
I am running into a visualization issue when running pyLDAvis.display() with any lda visualization from pyLDAvis.gensim.prepare().
Here is an example output from running this notebook ht…
Issue: plot renders in HTML preview pane in RStudio, but when opening the knitted HTML output file, it's not showing.
Below is reprex.
Look forward to advice.
title: Hello World
**[Original report](https://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/cef/issues/549) by me.**
Original [issue 549](https://code.google.com/p/chromiumembedded/issues/de…
I created an LDAvis figure using the text2veec package in R. Tried but failed to save it to my local directory as the fully interactive webpage that it is.
I get either a blank page in my browser o…
I am using the FitLdaModel function and after obtaining the model I use the LDAvis package to visualize, however, I have observed that although the words of the topics are the same, the number assig…