Name of the website
Dessert Scan
Website urls (examples below)
Site: https://cabaredowatame.site/
Manga example: https://cabaredowatame.site/manga/the-kings-bodyguard/
Chapter online view…
**Name of the website**
**Website urls (examples below)**
- Site: https://mangagun.com/
- Manga List: https://mangagun.com/manga-list.html
- Manga example: https://mangagun.com/manga-t…
**Name of the website**
Dianxia Traduções
**Website urls (examples below)**
- [Site: https://thewebsiteurl/](https://dianxiatrads.com/)
- Manga example: https://dianxiatrads.com/manga/heaven-o…
**Name of the website**
Euphoria Scan
**Website urls (examples below)**
- Site: https://yaoisbls.com.br/
- Manga example: https://yaoisbls.com.br/manga/jack-e-jack/
- Chapter online viewer ex…
**Name of the website**
Light Scans
**Website urls (examples below)**
- Site: https://lightscans.fun/
- Manga List: https://lightscans.fun/manga/
- Manga example: https://lightscans.fun/manga/i…
**Name of the website**
**Website urls (examples below)**
- Site: https://hotcomics.me/en
- Manga List: https://hotcomics.me/en/genres
- Manga example: https://hotcomics.me/en/downpou…
**Name of the website**
**Website urls (examples below)**
- Site: https://dokuha.jp
- Manga List: https://dokuha.jp/comicweb/contents/comic/angel-chogapponban
- Manga example: https://…
**Name of the website**
**Website urls (examples below)**
- Site: https://pash-up.jp
- Manga List: https://pash-up.jp/comic (mangas)
https://pash-up.jp/novel (Novel…
**Name of the website**
Dark Scan
**Website urls (examples below)**
- Site: https://dark-scan.com/
- Manga List: https://dark-scan.com/manga/
- Manga example: https://dark-scan.com/manga/ikenie…
Name of the website(s)
Website urls (examples below)
- Site: https://www.iimanhuapi.com/
- Manga List: https://www.iimanhuapi.com/manhua/onclick/10/
- Manga example: https://www.ii…