The boards menu is really overwhelming and we need to simplify it.
- auto-detecting the microcontroller / bootloader baud rate
- limited selection of boards that's customizable i…
The boards menu is really overwhelming and we need to simplify it.
- auto-detecting the microcontroller / bootloader baud rate
- limited selection of boards that's customizable i…
The boards menu is really overwhelming and we need to simplify it.
- auto-detecting the microcontroller / bootloader baud rate
- limited selection of boards that's customizable i…
The boards menu is really overwhelming and we need to simplify it.
- auto-detecting the microcontroller / bootloader baud rate
- limited selection of boards that's customizable i…
What change would like to see?
The SPI library examples should explain (and use) the pre-defined pin number
constants MOSI, MISO, SCK, SS. Well, at least SS should be used on
What change would like to see?
The SPI library examples should explain (and use) the pre-defined pin number
constants MOSI, MISO, SCK, SS. Well, at least SS should be used on
What change would like to see?
The SPI library examples should explain (and use) the pre-defined pin number
constants MOSI, MISO, SCK, SS. Well, at least SS should be used on
Timer 1 PWM pins on the Uno are 9 and 10 but on the Mega Timer 1 pins for PWM are 11, and 12.
the PWM frequency change needs to be more robust to handle cases of any timer 1 PWM pin and differences …
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## Igor created a ticket
Name: Igor Jovanović
Email: igorjovanovic52@gmail.com
Timezone: 1
Software: EX-…
Hello everyone,
I achieve to make Pro Mini 3.3V boards communicate and ranging between them quite easily. But I am facing an issue to do the same with Teensy 3.2 boards (which are also 3.3V).
I …