What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. From the application server using the supplied gcm-server.jar helper
classes, attempt to send a multicast message to the GCM server using API
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. From the application server using the supplied gcm-server.jar helper
classes, attempt to send a multicast message to the GCM server using API
> ウェブサイトに掲載可能な以下の情報を再度いただけますでしょうか?
> 英語については日本語版よりも簡素な記述でも結構です。
> <日本語>
> - タイトル(50 文字以下)
> - 概要(500 文字以下)
> - 簡単な自己紹介(500 文字以下)
> - TwitterアカウントやGitHubアカウントなど(可能であれば)
> - 顔写真(可能であれば)
> - その他、当日の機材…
I've had trouble using PressThis with medium.com urls because they will sometimes have an `@` symbol in them, so the PressThis script always shows the text.
Error: Could not download the source U…
I think it's a boot strap issue.
Check this out - it works (without Bootstrap) as a separate page:
Once I try to incorporate it into my Bootstrap/Wordpress site…