I'm trying to create a macOS target for a Kotlin/Compose multiplatform project using moko-resources. If I use `runDebugExecutableMacosArm64` or `createDistributableNativeDebugMacosArm64` I get an erro…
I was wondering what would be the correct approach when using the moko-resources library to add unit tests to the iOS project?
An approach that usually works on a iOS only project would be to speci…
This is similar to this issue: https://github.com/icerockdev/moko-mvvm/issues/186
but this time it fails for XCode 14.2
I can successfully build executables (compose 1.5.1 and KMP 1.9.0) with Moko, but when I include an svg file in commonMain images it fails to build an executable. Is there such a thing as a wrong typ…
[Адрес Codelab](https://codelabs.kmp.icerock.dev/codelabs/kmm-icerock-onboarding-3-ru/)
## Состав
- [ ] Экран главный с табами - главная, карта, настройки. В первых табах будут заглушки.
- [ ] Э…
Hi moko-mvvm is great option for android and ios.
But i just wanted to know, can we use it for web and desktop as well?
Are there any extra configurations we need to do in web and desktop?
> Uncaught Kotlin exception: kotlin.native.IncorrectDereferenceException: illegal attempt to access non-shared dev.icerock.moko.resources.desc.ResourceStringDesc@b1d288 from other thread
> Кейс - ест…
I'm having some issues in replicating code in swift:
Am I missing something ?
import mokoBeaconSDK
@objc(BeaconScanner) class BeaconScanner : HCKBeaconCentralManager,HCKCentralScanDelegate…
I want to get a distance from device to the beacon, I find getDistance function in com.moko.support.utils.MokoUtils but dont know how to use? Pls help!
We are using the latest version of Moko-MVVM at the time of this writing: 0.9.1.
We have a Fragment which uses Jetpack's Navigation.
If we perform a screen rotation in Android and then we click o…