when stream a mp4 file to hls, error as below is output.
how to resolve it. thanks in advance.
mp4_parser_parse_stts_atom_frame_duration_only: min frame duration is error while reading media hea…
The intention of Ahead Server is *not* to understand the file structure or be connected to any specific format. FFMpeg, GStreamer, MP4Box and others have more than sufficient capabilities in terms of …
AV1 ([spec](https://aomediacodec.github.io/av1-spec/av1-spec.pdf)) is becoming more and more popular, thanks to a [good support by the industry](https://aomedia.org/membership/members/). Quite a lot o…
VVC is ready for product , need more TC
Test file can be find via : https://dvb.org/specifications/verification-validation/vvc-test-content/
can add some vvc drm test cases ?
A quick toggle to include `-movflags +faststart` when using compatible containers (.mp4, .mov, idk about others) would be helpful, maybe a check box under the Advanced tab
Hello i try to add audio track to file with only video track
but after file saved, video track does not play
i have tried load and save files and it is bad after save(just few KB)
here is my code
#### 1. 你使用的BBDown版本是什么?(指明 Release / Actions / DotnetTool)
BBDown version 1.6.1, Bilibili Downloader(DotnetTool)
#### 2. 你在什么系统使用本软件?(Win/Linux/Mac)
#### 3. 你使用的完整命令是什么?
BBDown …
Use sample from there
Firefox unresponsive script kill
Chrome straight error 64000
编码没看出来什么特殊的,但是就是不支持流媒体播放,具体点说就是在 video 标签内播放导出的视频时,video 会等待全部加载完才开始播放,我试了一下,和服务器、videoCodec、video、视频大小都没关系,请问遇到过这个问题吗?有没有办法解决呀 😭
原始视频 测试地址:[https://www.24mz.cn/webav/a.html](https://www.24mz.cn/we…
Would be nice if this library had TypeScript support.
I'll write up some basic definitions to get this started...