I downloaded the most up-to-date version of the boat I configured Settings_Mudae.json this way
Hi, thanks for the great bot and all the patience in support.
I left the bot running 24 hours on a server and when I went to see it, I didn't get anything, because when the bot raged like this:
I'm not sure if this is caused by game mode 2 or not... but the bot keeps on rolling even though mudae tells me that I can only roll 8.
As the title says, there is a mudae auto bot limited.py in the folder, what does it do?
What's the difference between the standard one and the limited one?
anger updated
3 years ago
I set channel id to only 1 channel, yet it's reacting to commands in other ones
It occurred 2 times on the server while not looking, it has a reaction custom and the bot uses ❤ next to the custom reaction.
Both characters were on the namelist and attended the min_kak
# Problema no while
Seria melhor mudar o nome da variável!
}while(opcao != 0);
The bot keeps rolling and rolling. Even after it gets its 10 rolls in. It started in one discord but now it happening in all of them. The problem started after I left the bot running for a while. How …
When starting Mudae AutoBot Limited.py, if there is no scroll, it displays this err…