### Command description
This is a big collection of hacking tools and very few of them are documented.
### Documentation
### Platform
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cinan updated
9 years ago
In the wake of #105, we should add automatic tests for XSS in the obvious places.
We could do this with the integration tests in `adhocracy_buildout/src/adhocracy/adhocracy/test/use_cases`, but runni…
Ahoj, v prvom rade ma mrzí, že som sa k tomu nedostala skôr. Ja som si to spustila už minulý týždeň a videla, že je to dosť dobré. Chcela som si ale nechať viac času na kvalitnú spätnú väzbu a nie to …
Server crashes on directory traversal attempt with invalid UTF-8 character
A scheduled scan kicked off on our network and crashed my npm-lite server. Checking the logs, the crash was on a GET for /%8…
Find usable technologies for implementation.
I've been trying to get a few Linux NPCs running recently just to have a few users generating bash commands, and I can't get the Linux client to work (neither with docker compose nor with th…
V cognite je priblizne 45 pouzivatelov v stave QUEUE_IDENTITY_CARD. Bolo by super, keby sa to podarilo precistit a overit ich.
Was going through pages, found plenty of broken references. Ran a [broken URL checker](https://www.deadlinkchecker.com/website-dead-link-checker.asp) against the website, found a lot of broken URLs. F…