What's a decent way to structure code so I can easily mock models? I ultimately want to use the Inversify dependency injection library with Objection. Here's what comes to mind:
1) Establish an int…
If possible to use
var stringify = require('csv-stringify');
var stringifier = stringify();
const user = await User.query()
Let's say I have a `delete` function which uses a transaction. Something like :
public async delete(topicCode: string): Promise {
await client.transaction(async trx => {
await trx…
How to reproduce
Very simplified tables
id BIGSERIAL NOT NULL primary key,
text VARCHAR(1024)
id BIGSERIAL NOT NULL primary key…
I want to bulk insert lots of `pet` records to an existing `zoo` record (example):
// look up zoo for pets being inserted into
const zoos = await Flat
Issue with filters
Only happens on usage with **objectionjs > 1.2.2**
module.exports = function(propertyRef, value, modelClass) {
const fullColumnName = propertyRef.fullColumnName(),…
Would be great to have TypeScript types for this plugin.
I'm trying to insert a row with a relation many to many but the object related already exist,
I have this error:
`ValidationError: agreements[0].agreement_layout_id: is a required property\n at …
Hi, great work on the library! I just found it while browsing your repo, I have looked at https://github.com/TryGhost/GQL earlier today for translating my find queries to knex runnable queries, but si…
Objectionjs `upsertGraph` method requires ID to be present in the data objection, it should be auto-populated to the data object from the ID param in update method, i.e. `service.update(id, data, para…