In order to streamline our process and tracking offers made through direction selection *and* lottery should occur in the offers table. We may want to add an Enum to indicate whether it was a direct s…
I would like to have visibility of all the DHCP servers that offered/advertised a lease in the network to the client through my user defined hook script. It could be handled by adding a reason to run …
Cześć, mam pytanie. Po jakim czasie od przetworzenia zmiany ceny (change-price-commands) zmiana jest widoczna w GET /sale/offers `saleInfo.currentPrice.amount`?
Task of: https://github.com/openfun/richie/issues/2451
Objectif : Relier la ClientOffersPage avec Supabase
Consignes :
* Récupèrer les offres depuis la base de données
* Afficher les infos récupérées
Aide pour le bro Daniel ❤️ :
* rajouter une foncti…
The Strapi admin offers the "Use Fallback IIIF support?" switch, it is not clear what the functionality does. Should this be added to the Nuxt interface?
Offer ability to chat and communicate.
List offers.
You are unable to set the quantity to zero anymore, was this deliberate
### Steps to reproduce
1. I submit a dstack request with these configurations and successfully receive an offer from Runpod:
image: runpod/pytorch:2.4.0-py3.11-cuda12.4.1-devel-ubuntu22.04