"title" : "Advanced Object-Oriented Design",
"subtitle" : "",
"author" : "S. Costiou, S. Jordan Montano and S. Ducasse"
# Lectures Web Site
- [https://github.com/UnivLille-Meta/…
Singly Linked List
The design of the base class should be changed. For example, I had an idea (and worked to some level) of creating a base class of 'drawable' objects which carry their window to draw on and free them …
coba di bagian constructor sama method dikasiih default value di params khor.
terus yg state init coba dipisah jadi sesuai data yg di kirim biar lebih kebaca
Kode kebanyakan javascript, itu juga tidak OOP, poin PHP OOP tidak ada, mangga perbaiki
Instead of initialising a variable that contains a list defining board state and associated functions, create a class with the property of board state and have the functions act as methods.
Classes should be wrapped so that the C++ interface doesn't have to be accessed in a C-style way and so that users of the binding don't have to be aware of the name mangling the interface employs.
Rewrite the whole code using OOP, to optimize performances (reduce lags, etc).