### What is the issue?
IPNExtention using 160% cpu out of the blue.
seems to be similar to https://github.com/tailscale/tailscale/issues/5156#issue-1315651248
network usage seems to be quite low…
Hi, I am trying to flash NXP Android image (`android-14.0.0_2.2.0_image_95evk`) on iMX 95 EVK. There is this `uuu_imx_android_flash.sh` script delivered with the Android release which facilitates flas…
these seem largely commented out/missing at the moment. investigate how to proceed.
### Version 1.3G14i(42) ###
### Stacktrace ###
### Reason ###
java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: android.os.BinderProxy.finalize() timed out after 10 seconds
### Link to App Center ###
## Description
We need a GitHub Actions workflow to build and package release artifacts for multiple operating systems. This will ensure our application is ready for distribution across supported p…
Will this work with Vision OS?
Hello. I am using Spark OS Android 11. When I use face unlock on the lock screen, it is noticeably slower than before I installed the swap mod. Is this a bug? Or is it just a problem with my phone?
Procurei os slides da Aula 04 e não encontrei. Alguém poderia atualizar?
From Mirjam Walpot:
Lijkt me ontzettend leuk en ook nuttig als jullie je willen aansluiten bij het netwerk van de Open Science Communities. Aangezien jullie al een communitie hebben, zijn er eigenl…
Hi, experts
I try to enable kasan on my borad, op-tee(version is 4.1.0) run with panic.
This is my conf.mk: