As the title indicates, I understood the concept he taught in the video and the problems I needed to solve but as soon as I started coding in ASST1. My mind went blank and I could not understand the s…
On the page for the Chinese translations: https://github.com/remzi-arpacidusseau/ostep-translations/tree/master/chinese
All of the links are invalid. For example, http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~remzi/OS…
Sorry! The URL you requested was not found on our server.
Is it Sunday between 4 and 8 PM (CST)?
If so, the server may be undergoing regularly scheduled downtime.
Otherwise, please contact the ma…
Uses the following structure:
title: "Add PR reminders",
author: "Olga",
date: "2019-01-01",
project: "ostep-dashboard",
reviewers: [
`author` can appear blank for `singleCommit` when someone commits without valid github user email setup in the github config.
Error message:
github | /usr/src/app/service.js:65
- 公司/学校:上海简答数据/华中科技大学大二
- 工作内容/专业:后端工程师/电子信息工程
- 常浏览的国外网站: youtube / medium / stackoverflow
- 英语水平:四级 / 能流畅阅读纯英文技术书籍 / 能用二倍速看 youtube tech conference
- 翻译经验:https://juejin.im/post/5cbf0f76e51d456e…
The current schedule is a round robin scheduler. Using the provided random lottery needs to be added.
联合周报第 122 期开始投稿 :tada:
Hi -
Please remove the OSTEP book from your github - it
is copyrighted material, and we distribute it through
our website. This avoids certain problems for us -
i.e., people reading old versions…
UC Berkeley released a statement stating they will be removing legacy course content on March 15th, 2017: http://news.berkeley.edu/2017/02/24/faq-on-legacy-public-course-capture-content/
If you vis…