### Prerequisites
* [x] Can you reproduce the problem in a fresh installation of the "develop" branch?
* [x] Do you have any errors in the PHP error log, or javascript console?
* [x] Did you chec…
[osTicket API Docs](https://docs.osticket.com/en/latest/Developer%20Documentation/API%20Docs.html)
l'appel à la tâche cron pour le relevé des emails ne semble pas fonctionner, l'appel en manuel
/usr/bin/php8.2 /var/www/osticket/api/cron.php
Permets de relever les emails
Hi, how to write a value in the Help Topic field via API json?
![Uploading Screenshot_30.jpg…]()
After deleting a user created during connection using oauth provider, the new connection doesn't work.
After checking logs, I discover the issue:
[INSERT INTO `ost_user_account` SET `user_id` = 8,…
Clicking the 'Sign in with google' button correctly redirects me to google for authentication. After successful authentication, I am redirected back to our osTicket site, but the site does not handle…
Is it supposed to work with the latest version ?
Sync does not work and there is no documentation on how to enable sync via cron.
More documentation would be wonderful.
Users want a Knowledge Base / Help center.
in admin back end > Appearance > Menu > Product Categories tab
if you have a lot of Product Categories you will have a 1,2,3 button to show the rest of the categorie…
Hi everyone,
I currently have an issue with the latest version v.1.17.1
When a user is member of an 'organization' and tries to submit a new ticket the web server throws an Error 500.
If you remo…