A bunch of random ideas / suggestions since I actually wanted to create this library myself: :laughing:
I'd suggest that `Iso` be a type class, and not a `data` declaration. The reason is you can ge…
Planning to raise a PR for this, once one of https://github.com/lpsmith/postgresql-simple/pull/214 or https://github.com/lpsmith/postgresql-simple/pull/215 is merged into PG-Simple.
However, in my …
not sure how this happens yet:
Process failed: cabal install --ghc-options=-j1 --max-backjumps=0 lens-4.15.4 --constraint adjunctions == 4.4 --constraint base-orphans == 0.7 --constraint bifun…
The following would have been possible as well, but is stuff for the next paper.
class (Category p) => Parallelizable p where
lift :: (a -> b) -> p a b
firstP :: p a b -> p (a, c) (b, c)…
`Applicative (Forget a)` (and the rest of the instances) should be derived via `Star (Const a)`
As @Gabriel439 explained in https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/issues/1096#issuecomment-510963407:
> the main issue we're running into is that the dhall package is actually doing two sepa…
Thanks to @slibkind's PR #433, we now have a first implementation of the left pushforward data migration functor for C-sets. Given a functor F: C -> D between schemas, the algorithm assumes that the g…
It is statically determined if the traversal is definitely non-empty. In this case we could generate a `Traversal1` which can then be used with `first1Of` for example.
> tmarsh1024 1 hr. ago
> I love seeing more discussion and presentations of optics such as lenses and prisms. I do find their treatment in this document, however, more than a little confusing.
Following on from https://github.com/purescript/purescript/issues/2526. I am thinking about the architecture of psc-package, and in particular, thinking about how it differs from Stackage in that Stac…