Can you add sections to wiki describing this project or add it in read me file?
Subham Mishra
From Toshihiko Makita in a post to the DITA User's list:
Here is the excerpt from org.dita-community.i18n-develop/src/main/resources/lookup-zh-cn.xml.
The CodeGen team attempts to classify GitHub issues with label `area-CodeGen-coreclr` with additional classifications beyond the GitHub labels. Each issue is given a "category", "theme", "skill level"…
?- use_module(library(iso_ext)), use_module(library(pio)), use_module(library(dcgs)), use_module(library(time)).
?- time(countall(phrase_from_file((...,[_],...),'scryer-prolog.wxs'),N)).
**Describe the bug**
The binary_to_float built in function should support numbers in scientific notation without decimal places specified.
**To Reproduce**
The following raises a badarg error:
Hi Juan Carlos,
the Kotlin support works fine. Many thanks for tha.
I was just woundering, why the similarity comparison for Kotlin tasks does not yield any results.
Might there be something to add…
Me and @philzook58 worked on an EGraph implementation in pure Julia: https://github.com/0x0f0f0f/Metatheory.jl
It may be really interesting to write a backend for Julog using `Metatheory.EGraphs` and…
Latest versions of LVM and Trealla Prolog implement a `function_property/2` built-in predicate, which provides similar functionality to the de facto standard `predicate_property/2` built-in predicate,…
Page http://www.swi-prolog.org/FAQ/GnuEmacs.html should mention both Markus' [ediprolog](https://www.metalevel.at/ediprolog/ediprolog.html) and Stefan Bruda's one. Which version is now default in Ema…
Hi, reporting here per suggestion on pandoc user list. I was told this is the upstream dep and replicated the error in skylighting (as far as I understand it, first time user, brew install)