To get more input and distribute the workload a bit more, it might be a good idea to add one or two further co-maintainers for the task view. @grantmcdermott do you have any suggestions for this?
Hi, Patricia!
I am a young teacher of Psychometrics in Spain. I've just discovered your ShinyItemAnalysis tool and I am fascinated by it and its infinite didactic possibilities.
I was wondering…
### Steps done / left to do
Note that some repos listed below are private to this org unlike this meta repo used for the task list
- [x] keep copy of initial transfer as backup in [ctv-from-svn-…
In the package documentation and variable names, there are lots of terms like *metaparameters* and *replications* that are simply made up. We should check with someone familiar with the academic simu…
Example: https://mila.quebec/en/publications/
It would be nice to reuse the same code as in the Mila website. Not sure if that's 'easily' possible via RTD
Following advice here: https://r-pkgs.org/release.html.
Various checks need to be done, each of which may lead to changes, in order to submit to CRAN.
I am wondering if we auto add and populate link [anchors](https://www.overleaf.com/project/5d40b140a45bd72e21b11552) for the reviewerComment add-in?
Now that the R package `ctv` version 0.9-0 has been [released on CRAN](https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=ctv) and also got its own [pkgdown website](https://ctv.R-Forge.R-project.org/) we can move fo…
I probably found a bug in normTable function. If confidence intervals are requested, the interval for percentile works, but it is definitely wrong for the standard score as it shows the upper bound in…
My question is
Is possible import
For begin a good teacheble process and knowledge concerto workflow?