I would like to use this library for scanning barcodes. Is it possible to configure it that way?
I'm using the controller in order to catch scans,
And I'm using the "barcodes" stream like that:
But it se…
![ezgif com-video-to-gif-2](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15248145/44846856-50199000-ac6f-11e8-8d25-48f783ceefff.gif)
If used with ts the QrScanner constructor seems to associated to a deprecated type
`constructor(video: HTMLVideoElement, onDecode: (result: string) => void, canvasSize?: number);`
I am ts …
body background does not change
after this.qrScanner.destroy() when using hardware back button.
needs user interaction.
this.platform.backButton.subscribe(() => {
The plugin is not buiding on the capacitor. pops error: cannot find symbol import android.support.v4.app.ActivityCompat.
Im usage Capacitor 3.0.2
The first time i open the app all works fine, i can scan multiple times, but if i close the app and then open it,
the camera turns on but doesn't appear the video.
If i clear cache and try it occ…
I couldn't find the option to scan repo QR code. Also, no issue for that here. Kinda weird given many repos provide QR code.
Hey guys,
I'm developing something here that works perfectly on some devices like iPhone and others but for Galaxy S20, whenever I use the `preferredCamera='environment'` option it doesn't select a…
I have installed this plugin (3.0.1) without any issue but I'm getting the following error when building on Android.
Anyone else is having this issues?
Thanks in advance.
cordova 9.0.0