* What were you trying to do?
add a view variant, example:
$ ls -lah app/views/admin/courses
drwxr-xr-x 7 casa staff 224B May 4 02:17 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 casa staff 128B May 4 01:00 ..…
Recently I had to update an app. And not just the app - it was everything you never want to upgrade. Every muscle in my body contracted in anticipation of **BREAKING CHANGE** `CHANGELOG.md` notes. I a…
When trying to run the tests I get an error with the Nokogori gem.
The only previous command I ran was: `docker-compose up -d` and wait for all the gems to be installed. Then when running the comma…
I'm using tinymce-rails with activeadmin. The editor is loading just fine following the instructions in the readme. However the config options are not being read from the config/tinymce.yml file.
`RSpec.describe SomeClass, type: :request do`
a 'response' method is often referenced in these tests.
method_missing wi…
### What we should change and why (this is tech debt)
Since adding dropdowns to the bulk edit screen (`/admin/products` with feature toggle `admin_style_v3` enabled), I've noticed the contents of the…
Aca les dejo una lista con gemas permitidas para el desarrollo de su proyecto 😁, si quieren usar una que no esté, hagan un comentario indicando su nombre y la razón de por qué quieren usarla. …
I'm trying to use ckeditor-rails with active_admin, it "works" fine but looks terrible, all the css is overridden by active_admin's styles. I've fiddled all evening to work around it but cannot find a…
Firstly, I would like to say thanks for developing this gem.
I followed the the instructions on Installation and Usage sections of README
After running the server and refreshing page, I got th…
I have a model named "Action".
When using RailsAdmin > "Actions" > create, it blows up with the error:
no implicit conversion of String into Hash
rails_admin (0.6.5) lib/ra…