I have the Raspberry Pi Cam 2 NoIR on a Raspberry Pi Zero, and I am successfully capturing frames with the following code, which is based heavily on the sample code provided in this repo.
I changed…
ich habe alles laut Anleitung gemacht. Es wird nur ein grauer Bildschirm angezeigt (Layout nicht geladen?!). Ich habe auch die Layout Datei für Python nicht gefunden...
In my logs I see a lot of messages like this (approx 2 messages per second):
netcam_init_jpeg: no new pic, no signal rcvd
netcam_read_html_jpeg: Potential split boundary - 1447 chars flushed, 1 r…
I got issue with getting new features for svo on live camera. It works well on features from first frame. If I slowly move it through table, svo doesn’t acquire new features, it just losing features f…
Hello, I am trying to modify the roi parameters thrown by the camera_info topic:
raspistill -o output_filename.jpg -v
"raspistill" Camera App (commit f97b1af1b3e6 Tainted)
Camera Name imx477
Width 4056, Height 3040, filename output_filename.jpg
Using camera …
First, @nunofgs, thanks for appliying modifications to the image to allow the raspi camera to work :)
When I saw that you added the support for it, I've tryed the new image.
Here is th…
mmal: mmal_port_event_get: vc.ril.camera(1:0) port 0x84fe10, no event buffer left for EPCH
mmalipc: mmal_vc_handle_event_msg: no event buffer available to receive event (2)
Error is genera…
Is the ISO setting implemented?
hi,I use bellow cmd to generate 1080P video and watch it by : http://ip:8090?action=stream
but the Mjpeg 1920x1080 format video have huge data traffic,even i use local wifi,sometimes the video
is …