领域 | 功能 | 基础模型 | 支持方式 | 负责人 | 状态 | 展开数量|Onelab负责人| OneLab公开项目链接
-- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | --
cv | classification | EfficientNet_b0| flowvis…
TorchBench CI has detected a performance signal or runtime regression.
Base PyTorch commit: 0200b1106c4fe80ea0884181dc8d649ef6078ea3
Affected PyTorch commit: 806d1a871ddfd2d38e1791489892009feaec842…
Dashboard to track the performance of IPEX as TorchDynamo backend on CPU.
cc @jgong5 @mingfeima @XiaobingSuper @sanchitintel @ashokei @jingxu10 @ezyang @msaroufim @bdhirsh @anijain2305 @zou3519 @ch…
Plugin manifests now have a `validators` field that performs a post-validation of values defined in enum fields.
In the plugin class, `validators` must be added in or…
作者你好,我在复现您提供的github代码时出现了以下的报错,似乎和mmcv-full有关,我是通过pip install mmcv-full==1.3.0 -f https://download.openmmlab.com/mmcv/dist/cu111/torch1.9.0/index.html以及pip install mmcv-full==1.3.0都尝试过,但都是这个报错。请问有什么解…
### 问题描述 Issue Description
First of all, thank you for creating this wonderful package!
I am trying to use PaddlePaddle by creating a docker image that pulls from the containers maintained o…
## スレッドタイトル
- スレッドリンク
## メモ
- fuga
- piyo
### ぶらさがってるコメントなど
- foo
### それらを受けてのアイデア、コメントなど
- hoge
### Branch
main branch (mmpretrain version)
### Describe the bug
# model settings
model = dict(