When generating a rrule with a DTSTART having timezone (TZID), and an UNTIL then the resulting RRULE must specify UNTIL with a UTC DateTime. However, UNTIL is generated without 'Z'.
From the spec (…
(funny, GitHub won't let me upload an ICS file …)
The first event (starting) in 2022-02, call it `february.ics`.
While one can inspect the server response to a request, it really is a bit of a pain. It also lacks key explanatory information.
## Suggested notes to include
* What timezone are dates/times in? (…
When I put DAYLIGHT and STANDARD in de same timezone like this:
``` php
$vcalendar = new VCalendar();
$vcalendar->PRODID = 'test';
$vtimezone = $vcalendar->add('VTIMEZONE', [
Right now the calendar will be blank for teams that have a bye. The only way I can think that would make sense for a bye on a calendar is to make it an add-day event since a bye can't have a time.
`UTF7Encoding.UTF7Encoding()` [is obsolete:](https://aka.ms/dotnet-warnings/SYSLIB0001)
The UTF-7 encoding is insecure and should not be used. Use UTF-8 instead.
@minichma Agree?
I just started using iCal4j for my Android project, it's great but it seems to have problems with the datestamp.
It just seems unable to parse dates like this: 20151022T164500780Z.
The date sh…
Disclamer: I've never read RFC 5545, so except having seen ICS with my bare eyes multiple times, I'm in no way an ICS reference.
### Steps to reproduce
1. Download an ICS export from https://fra…
The Caldav server does not appear to comply with RFC-5545 Content Lines.
Lines of text SHOULD NOT be longer than 75 octets, excluding the line break. Long content lines SHOULD be split into a multi…