if change system time, cron do not work again!!!
I am using robfig V2 on golang v1.10. I have a job that is executed every 5 mins. I have around 2k jobs to be started at once. Now when it starts, I did not add any custom delay but second execution f…
Hey Christian,
starting with 0.23.0 i get the error "invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference". See debug logs below.
In addition, i tested the versions 0.24.0, 0.25.0 and 0.26.0 where th…
{target 15 0 http://chronos-service.default.svc.cluster.local } {id 15 0 2616b014-40d3-47a7-8e0f-92cd2701d971 }","commit": │
│ "4d6e1fc","stacktrace":"knative.dev/eventing/pkg/adapter/mtping.(…
I'm having errors when I execute a query to Denodo, sometimes it randomly gives me a panic error and the service crashes.
rows, err := repo.db.Query(dbQuery)
Example error:
fatal error: …
### Welcome
- [X] Yes, I'm using the latest major release. Only such installations are supported.
- [X] Yes, I'm using the supported system. Only such systems are supported.
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## Expected Behavior
I expect `AssertNumberOfCalls` to succeed only with one given “expectedCalls” value.
In the “Steps to reproduce” section below, there are two assertions to assert the number…
This has come up a lot in the forum but there's no issue for it here that I can find. We've evolved the rate limits a couple of times and this is something that many/most other rate limiting things ha…
calmh updated
3 years ago
### Package information | 软件包信息
包名 | 版本
-- | --
incus | [6.0.2-1](https://github.com/deepin-community/incus/commit/aa656b47b04443759aecf02b77766c60fc8694c7)
golang-github-minio-minio-go-v7 …
Hi, I'm trying to install goldie to project with modules. And error about incompatible version appears. Could you help me get around this problem?
> go get github.com/sebdah/goldie@v2.0.0
go: f…