b4b8690d2751b54efaff95d09fa137c4b570f055 introduced experimental TypeScript support, though without any abstraction/simplification WRT TypeScript-specific configuration (i.e. merely [passing through](…
## 常用命令
* -c
> --config
### Current Behavior
I run `tsdx build --transpileOnly`
From this source
import { useToast as useChakraToast } from '@chakra-ui/react'
import { useMemo } from 'react'
import type…
RIP21 updated
2 years ago
### 这段是废话
事情是这样的, 大概上周有个需求需要做一个“人员选择器”组件, 这不简单吗, 我之前花了两天时间在 VUE 上实现过一次, 这次用 React 来实现应该会更快, 重点是有多个项目都要用到这个选择器, 然后这里就埋下了一个伏笔.
我一如既往的用 create-react-app(简称cra) 来初始化应用, 两天过去, 我开发到了90%, 考虑到多个项目用到, 那我肯定…
MRCXX updated
4 years ago
In particular, see the deprecation warnings around `options.mainFields`:
warning "microbundle > rollup-plugin-typescript2@0.19.3" has incorrect peer dependency "rollup@>=0.68.0".
[4/4] 🔨 Bui…
Steal it from here : https://github.com/ReactTraining/history/blob/dev/rollup.config.js
### What problem does this feature solve?
Allows people to easily build a non-trivial Vue plugin, e.g. an alert component.
The existing cookbook examples work - but use out of date dependencies …
Is it possible to extract CSS from the main entrypoint but inject CSS for async imports ? Some kind of hybrid mode ;)
import './app.scss' // this CSS will be extracted
await import('./app2.…
Because this module extends functionality of Console, the following is required to avoid typescript complaining about missing "draft" function:
interface Console {
draft: (a) => (b)…
The docs say
> TypeScript declaration maps are mainly used to quickly jump to type definitions in the context of a monorepo (see [source issue](https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/14479)…