At the moment when I'm setting the maxsize to -1. Getting a message "maxsize must be between 1024 and 65536".
qname: "queue",
maxsize: -1,
Say a message has a unique ID. Would some other external software be required to make sure that if "process only once" is desired to never put the same message on the queue twice, or is there a way to…
I really like this project, so I decided to implement it in PHP. It's available [here](https://github.com/michsindelar/PhpRSMQ).
On busy-bot-master redis db, the keys `rsmq:PAST_UPVOTERS_QUEUE` and `rsmq:PAST_UPVOTERS_QUEUE:Q` have each a size of 300K. It seem that these keys only get bigger and bigger and force a database upgr…
Or maybe a function to tell how many jobs are currently in a queue?
when yarn add async-busboy. this error happen:
/usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/bin/yarn install
I create some queue, I am able to send/receive messages.
However, listQueues returns an empty array.
Is there any configuration I am missing??
Is there any way to create or define custom task key or define pattern/prefix for each task ?
For examples `app1:user1:jobtypeA:{serial}` where serial can be a hash like before or any integer number…
I'm getting these errors (see below) from time to time although the queue does exist.
It's working prior to this error and continue working after producing these errors for all messages for abou…
The first argument is queue name and second is options which includes a key called "host"
however t…