/SampleCode/QuoteVerificationSample$ ./app -quote ../QuoteGenerationSample/quote.dat
Info: ECDSA quote path: ../QuoteGenerationSample/quote.dat
Trusted quote verification:
Info: get target info…
I am running Ubuntu 20.04. I was able to build and run `SampleDNNL` code using SIM and HW mode. The code runs without errors in SIM mode, but gives an error in HW mode. I'm able to run other SampleCo…
On my machine, shouldn't the result be 0?
See https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/WindowsViews/Conceptual/ViewPG_iPhoneOS/CreatingWindows/CreatingWindows.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40009503-CH4-SW9
Sample http://developer.a…
### Is this the right place to submit this?
- [X] This is not a security vulnerability or a crashing bug
- [X] This is not a question about how to use Istio
### Bug Description
Hi folks,
I have an…
Starting with next Android Plugin, Google would start to rename resources, so the file names would have to be mapped.
To test, remove `android.enableResourceOptimizations=false` from `gradle.proper…
Hi, I tried using `--ignore=W191` but that doesn't seem to do anything... I tried with other codes and the ignore parameter seems to work...
Is this on purpose or is it a bug?
Is there a work a…
I have a sub project defined like below in a mono repo,
const apiProject = new typescript.TypeScriptProject({
deps: [
devDeps: [
Hi, I have issues running the SampleCode in the enclave. Anytime I try I get the message: "failed to load enclave." Running in Simulation Mode works fine.
Intel SGX is enabled in BIOS and I'm runnin…
As the title says, I have to unload the drivers to be able to use the skeleton-tracking features of the kinect2 depth-camera while gspca_main/kinect is loaded. Unloading them makes it work as usual.