## Reproduction steps
Scala version: Scala 2, including 2.13.11, but going way back too
Tested on JVM and JS. Confirmed it works on Scala 3 (both)
Code is at https://github.com/nafg/reproduce…
This tutorial is one of the few and better resources to pick up some scalajs. The modal, however, doesn't work when upgrading to scalajs-react 1.4.
Perhaps the whole project can be updated to lates…
I'm not sure if there is more to do beside documentation,
but this look pretty nice as an alternative to systemjs: [https://github.com/scalacenter/scalajs-bundler](https://github.com/scalacenter/scal…
# Bug description
`bloop link` is not able to link Scala.js projects without a main class. It reports the following error:
> bloop link root
[E] No main classes defined in project '…
`fullOptJS::webpack` threw the following error for https://github.com/ptrdom/akka-http-slinky-endpoints4s:
[error] Error parsing webpack stats output
[error] /warnings(0)/moduleName: JsonValid…
Not having standard safe implicits is a barrier to using scalarx with scalajs. Below are links to several implementations people have come up with. It would be nice to have some standard implicits tha…
I made a reproducible example of several problems I experienced with `apollo-scalajs-core` version 0.5.0.
See the README for problem…
I get
TypeError: $m_Lcom_scalawarrior_scalajs_ace_package$(...).ace__Lcom_scalawarrior_scalajs_ace_Ace(...) is undefined
when using your example code
import com.scalawarrior.s…
I think that the front of this page should be;
addSbtPlugin("ch.epfl.scala" % "sbt-scalajs-bundler" % "0.20.0")
rather than
When upgrading to Scala 2.13 I'm getting an error on all `media` functionality when calling it in an inline stylesheet, e.g.
trait SharedStyleSetting extends StyleSheet.Inline {
import ds…