$ qtdeploy build windows
ERRO[0013] failed to run command cmd="/usr/lib/mxe/usr/i686-w64-mingw32.shared/qt5/bin/qmake -o Mfile /Users/tangmonk/go/src/github.com/thereci…
Any attempt to run a program build with mingw-w64-x86_64-qt5 fails with:
This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "windows"
in "".
I wanted to build app for windows, but I am getting following error...
❯ QT_PKG_CONFIG=true ~/go/bin/qtdeploy build windows .
FATA[0000] windows is not supported as a deploy target on l…
I have smartos server where I created zone (vm) with ubuntu. I just executed commands for docker container, and successfully installed everything needed for building my project for linux (i'm d…
I have goland and Qt 5.9.1 installed through regular ArchLinux package.
but then picking up a QT_DIR is not obvious
`go get -u -v github.com/therecipe/qt/cmd/qtsetup` seems to be succesf…
I do not like docker.. is there a way to install just like any other bindings for go? just wondering because all the examples are for docker.. :/
Issue found and test cases:
Running example 13.4.Gate.py, clicking the left mouse button repeatedly is expected to toggle duck motion, howevever, often in a quick sequence of left mouse clicks they d…
This is a clean OSX with new QT 5.9.
during qtsetup pertient error is:
ERRO[0531] failed to run command cmd="go install -p 4 -v github.com/therecipe/qt/serialbus" env=…
With current HEAD at 8fdb852dd5e830c8a71eb36f976586042922a9b0 running `$GOPATH/bin/qtsetup` results in most of `.go` files missing which makes it impossible to do `go run path/to/project` since it rep…
Hello, my os is macOS Sierra 10.12.3, Go version is 1.8.
I followed the Instructions of macOS, but failed.
My Qt is installed by HomeBrew, I also tried to install it by the [dmg](https://download.…