使用命令生( gmssl ecparam -genkey -name sm2p256v1 -out CAkey.pem)成的sm2 pem私钥格式使用`x509.ParseSm2PrivateKey`报错
如下 x509: failed to parse SM2 private key: asn1: structure error: tags don't match (16 vs {class:…
使用铜锁时,查看资料Tengine铜锁设置为ssl_ciphers "ECC-SM2-SM4-CBC-SM3:ECC-SM2-SM4-GCM-SM3:ECDHE-SM2-SM4-CBC-SM3:ECDHE-SM2-SM4-GCM-SM3:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA:AES128-GCM-SHA256:AES128-SHA256:…
我用GMSSL V3.1.1 SM2 sm2_encrypt加密生成的密文,用第三方GM工具解密不了,但是用GMSSL V3.1.1 SM2 sm2_decrypt可以正常解密 ,例如:用第三方
https://the-x.cn/cryptography/Sm2.aspx (下拉选C1+C2+C3、 SM3) 解密,报”无效密文或密钥错误,C1 Invalid“,该网址解密用的私钥我确认了,与…
dear ipp-crypto guys,
Does ipp-crypto have a sample code of SM2 encryption and decryption? Since it is different from RSA and its algorithm is too complicated...
uint8_t *cString = (uint8_t *)plainData.bytes; //plainData为图片的二进制流数据
size_t len = plainData.length;
SM2_KEY sm2_key;
Any thoughts on how to set things up so I can compile SM2 using CMake on a MacOS Anaconda3 conda-forge installation?
cmake ../SM2
-- Could NOT find NetCDF (missing: NETCDF_LIBRARIES)
-- C…
I think SM2/SM3/SM4 has already been supported in openssl library, my question is can we use these algorithm in this libaray now?
1. SM2: https://www.openssl.org/docs/manmaster/man7/SM2.html
2. S…
int main(void)
SM2_KEY sm2_key;
SM2_KEY pub_key;
unsigned char plaintext[SM2_MAX_PLAINTEXT_SIZE];
unsigned ch…
When I test SM2 performance using OpenSSL3.0.0_alpha11, the following error occurs:
显示如附件中的SM2 证书 ,程序不工作,异常崩溃。
xuyb6 updated
2 years ago