where is the easiest location to download the most current windows build for SmallBASIC??
I was advocating kids to start with Microsoft SmallBasic to learn programming. Recently I come across this repo. Is this an evolution of Microsoft SmallBasic? Because as far as I know, MS SmallBasic i…
tiksn updated
6 years ago
첨부 파일로 보낸 스몰베이직 프로그램을 Open하면
제대로 열리지 않고 GUI가 blocking되는 현상이 있단다.
모든 파일에 대해서 항상 이러한 현상이 발생하는 것은 아니고,
첨부 파일을 비롯해서 일부 파일의 경우에만 발생.
I've the following PR: https://github.com/sb/SmallBasic-Online/pull/22
Creating the PR triggered two appveyor builds (pr and branch). pr completed, but branch was never queued.
* Why is a branch b…
Hi. I've been modifying SB programs from your code library a lot lately. I love SB v12.8win, but sometimes it seems to fight me with inappropriate error-stops. A defineable moment happened when in…
My application (SmallBASIC) needs a slightly different version of is_word_boundary(). Could you please make this over-ridable, like STB_TEXTEDIT_memmove etc. Thanks for stb_textedit, it's awesome!
한글이 들어간 sb파일을 해석기로 실행을 시키면 인코딩이 맞지 않아 글자가 깨지는 현상이 관찰됩니다.
After reading this article in Visual Studio Magazine:
I felt sad after I read this debate:
ghost updated
6 years ago
The latest version of SmallBasic is v1.3 and it's available in the Microsoft Store. When I downloaded the .msi file, ran the installer, started SmallBasic and typed the example, I get a "LCD object no…
When writing classes, I try to do method names as simple as possible.. e.g.
def do():
return value
def do_set(val):
value = val
or when I group methods..
def main_foo()…