The script `/opt/docker-solr/scripts/init-var-solr`, called by `solr-precreate` to create a new Solr core, ignore the value of `SOLR_HOME` env variable.
In fact, the script set the working dir as
It seems there are some differences between https://github.com/steingod/solrindexing and this solr-indexer, when it comes to validating and indexing MMD-files from the mdharvest external resources.
### Feature description
tl'dr - create a common search interface, micronaut-search. I can work on creating solr clients (micronaut-search-solr) and make this one be for ES (micronaut-search-opensear…
if you use INFRA_SOLR and SOLR at the same time you will have issues in importing the cluster template. Because both services use the same configuration.
Superseeds #443
Adds a complete new implementation for Date Facets using native gap + max/min processing from the obscured by search API (but fully functional) Facet JSON API Solr provides
Supposons qu'on a deux études (etudeA et etudeB). On fait un import dans etudeA dans lequel on créé subjectA et examA. Ensuite on copie les données importées dans etudeA vers etudeB.
Le subject reste…
**Overview of feature request**
This feature request aims to address a bug related to the deletion of taxonomy fields and their impact on the Solr index. When a taxonomy field indexed by Solr is de…
Tried setting up solr-operator with TLS between Solr and Zookeeper. (Zookeeper is setup with TLS, and Solr must connect to Zookeeper's TLS port.) It doesn't work or appear to have ever been tested.
jstaf updated
3 months ago
create Solr folder in C:\
download Apache Solr
move it to C:\Solr
add Environment variable
to start solr
in cmd run the command
Based on [autocomplete](https://www.figma.com/proto/nkgg905s5FyXoyPZjVMco0/EarthWorks?node-id=293-8648&t=OwCI8zzVg5KTXph8-0&scaling=min-zoom&content-scaling=fixed&page-id=0%3A1&starting-point-node-id=…