Using latest scdl from this repo, I get this:
[csmith@doctorow music]$ scdl me -f -c --onlymp3
Soundcloud Downloader
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/scdl", line 9, in
I'm now at latest commit (and was on latest commit before).
Previous bug was not fixed (errno 104).
[music/like] scdl -l https://soundcloud.com/sacredaus/tilendria-falls
Soundcloud Downloader
[music/like] scdl -l https://soundcloud.com/rst-x0 -f
Soundcloud Downloader
Found a user profile
Retrieving the favorites of user Rst x0...
Retrieved 116 favorites
Favorite n°1 of 116
The metadata from title argument changes file name, but does not add meta data to file. --add-metadata only adds the title as metadata.
## verbose output
youtube-dl -v https://www.youtube.com/wat…
Every time i download a song it failes to set the tags, I don't know if I'm doing anything wrong.
Is there another step i have to do to set the tags?
I'm on windows btw.
[music/like-test] scdl -l https://soundcloud.com/mattvicemusic/decisions --debug
Soundcloud Downloader
{'--addtofile': False,
'--debug': True,
'--error': False,
'--help': False,
Hey! I just started using linux (but I don't believe this is the problem) and couldn't use the -a argument when downloading all tracks and reposts from an user.
Here is what appears:
MarkPC mark…
Asignee: @alejandroarturom
Language file: ./res/values-es/strings.xml
95% completed
Missing elements:
BitTorrent off
30-day money-back guarantee
What do you get with
Here's the output:
C:\Users\owner\Music\Downloader>youtube-dl --embed-thumbnail https://soundcloud.
[soundcloud] luka_v/oliver-heldens-shades-o…
TwisX updated
9 years ago
Thanks for the great work!
$ youtube-dl -v https://soundcloud.com/form-music/joachim-pastor-krikriturn
[debug] System config: []
[debug] User config: []
[debug] Command-line args: [u'-v', u'https://s…