**Describe the bug**
The parameters carried by the "on_publish" and "on_unpublish" events of the HTTP callback will be repeated when the callback is triggered.
docker ossrs/srs:5
![amount of plugin](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/5151574/9536727/8db44efc-4d2f-11e5-9d80-1407aea75d79.jpg)
[Student Self Service (UOB) - English Version (1).pdf](https://github.com/InformatiqueEducation/UOB-Business/files/8027919/Student.Self.Service.UOB.-.English.Version.1.pdf)
### Checklist (issue will be disregarded & closed if incomplete!)
- [x] I've **checked both [open and recently closed issues](https://github.com/tetrio/issues/issues?q=is%3Aissue)** to ensure…
We should complete the existing SRS , by adding the new features we discussed yesterday and should also try to make it more detail and lucid
add changes to srs.. username
height boundaries
### Describe the issue:
If the first variable x in the structure has a size of m bits (m < 256) and the second variable y has a size of n bits (n > 256 - m), then variables x and y cannot be stored…