### Steps to reproduce
1. Enable SSS
2. Send yourself a message
3. Observe it takes ~30s to arrive
4. When it does, the timeline resets, leaving partial contents visible afterwards.
### Outcome
ara4n updated
3 months ago
#### Shamir's Secret Sharing(SSS)
- 秘密 s
- 构造这样的一个多项式: $f(x) = s + a_1x + a_2x^2 + a_3x^3 + ... + a_{n-1}x^{n-1}$
- 阈值为n(只要有n份就可以恢复s,恢复的过程使用了`拉格朗日插值法`)
- 一个(x, f(x))则为一份信息,一共有m份信息,分配给m个用户, m>n
- …
**Describe the bug (see #1521 all issues aren't close !)**
When use duration format for an ISO8601, result it's not as expected :
myDuration = dayjs.duration('PT3M39.096S')
test111 sss 111 here
Fedora 40
64 bit
message don't translate
pam_sss(lightdm:account): User info message: Password expired. Change your password now.
If the user switches from SSS back to using the proxy, we continue syncing with the old `since` tokens from SSS. This causes the proxy not to deliver any to-device events, hence leading to UTDs.
**Describe the bug**
Every duration instance I create whether from ISO-string or from object appears to be broken.
The behaviour is also inconsistent between construction from ISO-string or object.
**Motivated by @MilaSMayor https://github.com/ropensci/GLMMcosinor/issues/27**
When there is a model with multiple components with the same period (i.e in the main formula), there are multiple rrr/…