I'm trying to connect to Vertica with VSQL.
Plugin is installed in ST3 on Ubuntu 14.04.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/sublime_text/sublime_plugin.py", line 526, in run_
return s…
DPI scale: 1
startup, version: 3065 linux x64 channel: stable
executable: /opt/sublime_text/sublime_text
working dir: /
packages path: /home/lbigum/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages
state path: /hom…
When I installed the plugin for the first time it was working apart from that commands in command list were doubled like: Git: Status Git: Status.
Doing simple things I got it crashed and no…
Hello! I've never had StataEditor work, but I'm trying to do it once again.
The below is the issue I continue to get.
`KeyError: 'Selection'
Unable to open /C/Users/*/AppData/Roaming/Sublime T…
Hi. I am having trouble making sendcode work on Ubuntu. I have already installed `xdotool`.
In the `config` file, I tried both `"linux_terminal": "gnome-terminal-server"` and `"linux_terminal": "Gno…
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "flowide.listeners.coverage in /Users/allen/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages/FlowIDE.sublime-package", line 14, in
With a comment as follows (and empty file), running wrap plus from the first comment line results in an exception. (Syntax: C or Stylus)
``` c
/* first line
* comment
Traceback (most re…
Every time I fire up Sublime, I get this error in the console:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Applications/Sublime Text.app/Contents/MacOS/sublime_plugin.py", line 210, in on_api…
I get this exception in the console:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Applications/Sublime Text.app/Contents/MacOS/sublime_plugin.py", line 389, in run_callback
rwols updated
6 years ago
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Applications/Sublime Text.app/Contents/MacOS/sublime_plugin.py", line 576, in on_post_save_async
File "/U…