Vypadá to, že ASJ nerespektují plně nastavení, zda pracují z K7 nebo K5.
Mám časopis, který jsem nastavil na práci s naším test K7:
### Steps to reproduce
1. run nextcloud behind Haproxy with this bind options: ` bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/certs ca-file /root/pki/ca.crt verify optional crt-ignore-err all`
2. open iOS app
I'm using Nucltio wih CVAT and I have a problem with automatic annotation using nuclio + [yolo-v3-tf](https://github.com/openvinotoolkit/cvat/tree/develop/serverless/openvino/omz/public/yolo-v3-t…
I am the author of [taky](https://github.com/tkuester/taky/), a small experimental Python server for ATAK. I have successfully setup SSL connections between ATAK and the server, both for the COT serve…
Bylo by možné přidat podporu aplikace [O Checklist](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=se.tg3.startlist)? Konkrétně import souboru [YAML](https://stigning.se/checklist/start_report.html) s …
First, thank you for your work on this. SERIOUSLY!!!
In looking at this repository, i noticed that there wasn't a docker option/file for your inrcot. Is this something that you are planning to add?…
V zásadě existují dvě možnosti:
+ hosting třetí strany
+ hosting na „našich“ serverech
## Třetí strana
Kdyby se za to platilo, možná by stálo za zvážení i použití pro produkci. Nicméně nejsp…
## Bug report
### Describe the bug
It's been like this for like 2 years now ish, but used to be fine, for sure. I would bisect releases but 2-3 releases back stop compiling due to fmtlib errors.…
If you try to run debug with config, you gonna receive different err. output
DEBUG=1 adsbcot -c /configpath/myconfig.ini
ERROR from adsbcot
Please reinstall adsbcot with pyModeS …