IPv6 hat manchmal aussetzer und läuft nicht immer. Das ist sehr schade.
Grund dafür kann dieses nicht zu 100% funktionierendes ``wide-dhcpv6-client`` sein.
Hier bedarf es kompetente hilfe!
For IPv6 clusters, a NAT64 container (Tayga) is used from a private repo. As a step to remove that dependency, we should include the Dockerfile, a makefile to build, and documentation on how to use th…
Current ot-br-posix is not generating a correct .deb package in our build environment. We have noticed that it happens because some files (e.g. for dhcpcd and tayga) are not present or available only …
Currently, the dind-cluster.sh script is hard-coded to use a specific external registry for the NAT64 (Tayga) and DNS64 (bind9) containers.
It would be useful to allow this to be configurable, so t…
It seems that all files, that should be in /usr/local/etc are in /usr/local/etc/usr/local/etc/, so config files are not found and programs don't start, because rc.d is in wrong location. Was that just…
Given the several regressions we've seen in IPv6 mode lately, it would be great to have CI tests to check regressions in IPv6 mode operation. Testing should cover things like:
- bridge CNI plugin m…
I am trying to setup an OpenThread Border Router using a Raspberry Pi 3B with the latest version of Raspbian Stretch with desktop, 2019-04-08 and a Nordic nRF52840 connected via USB.
I am following t…
First of all, I want to thank you for the amazing work you did for NAT64.
I work in my thesis with NAT64 solutions for Linux including Jool. I did some performance evaluation. I want to sh…
Starting clatd v1.4 by Tore Anderson
Performing DNS64-based PLAT prefix discovery (cf. RFC 7050)
Using PLAT (NAT64) prefix: 64:ff9b::/96
Error: ipv6: Invalid values in header for get ro…
It gives out an error saying that the LAN interface doesn't have a GUA Adress, witch it has, and after analyzing the script it will check for a valid WAN6 IPv6 Adress, I have to recommend you to remov…