Hi @petewarden
I realize that the Pico 2 (and RP2350 chip) aren't widely available yet, so it may not be possible to answer this question yet, but I'll ask anyway:
Will pico-tflmicro will work …
[Tensorflow Light for Microcontrollers](https://www.tensorflow.org/lite/microcontrollers) is a subset of Tensorflow Light designed specifically for use with microcontrollers, taking only 16 KB for the…
### Issue type
### Have you reproduced the bug with TensorFlow Nightly?
### Source
### TensorFlow version
Tensorflow 2.7 & 2.11
### Custom code
Hi @PhilippvK,
First of all, forgive me my ignorance, but I'm new to microcontrollers.
I'd like to use your examples as an inspiration to include TFLite on Pixhawk flight controllers (e.g. [Pixhawk …
I tried bumping the tflite-micro submodule to current main, and encounter "No module named 'PIL'" when building software.
I don't think we have a precedent of using pip to install a missing Python …
Not sure if this is at all feasible, but is there any chance of getting microwakeword running on the BL606P chip?
The reason I ask is that pine64 have recently announced their PineVox, a "sm…
I want to create the static library of tflite-lib and esp-nn components of the project and link it to the project of micro_speech.
I find the static library of both components under the micro_spee…
There are several categories in MLPerf where performance results can be submitted: https://github.com/mlcommons/tiny/tree/master/benchmark
For an initial dive into this submission for Microcontroller…
asym8uxsym8s_asym8u will be similar( in terms of implementations) to asym8sxsym8s_asym8s kernels we have
but it would be use quint8 instead of qint8 as input.
The [current implementation of the SVDF layer](https://github.com/google-research/google-research/blob/master/kws_streaming/layers/svdf.py) doesn’t get fused as an SVDF operator when converted to TFLi…