`textmodel_*` crash when a DFM has no features. We should add a check and raise error like "dfm must have at least one non-zero feature" instead.
This is mostly cosmetic, but as we expand tutorials, blog posts, writings, etc it would make sense to adopt a consistent naming scheme for example objects, for our core object classes.
Right now w…
In https://github.com/quanteda/quanteda/issues/1568#issuecomment-457757320 @koheiw proposes splitting `textstat_readability()` and `textstat_lexdiv()` into a separate package or packages. This creates…
Currently, almost all examples in the reference sections on the quanteda [pkgdown website](http://docs.quanteda.io/index.html) raise the following error: `Error in .setupMethodsTables(fdef): trying to…
Docs.rs may have failed to build some crates for various reasons (missing dependency on build machine or bad configuration etc).
You can report them into this issue.
None of the parameter variables can be instantiated as in the example below:
textplot_wordcloud(my_dfm, min_size=4, min_count =4, max_words = 10)
Error: none of these variables "is not a graphical…
Got this email from @hadley on 22 May 2018:
> Dear Kenneth Benoit,
> This is an automated email to let you know that:
> * A new version of ggplot2 is ready to go to CRAN. ggplot2 is
> c…
Because `se.fit = FALSE` is the (new) default setting in `predict.textmodel_wordscores()`, confidence intervals are not plotted anymore for the `textplot_scale1d()` examples for Wordscores document po…
The page is flooded by warning messages: https://docs.quanteda.io/reference/textplot_wordcloud.html
They are from the original source code, so we can change that easily.
I cannot knit the following Rnw file when I'm using:
- R-3.0.2 with tikzDevice 0.7.0 and gplots 2.12.1
However it works fine with:
- R-2.15.3 with tikzDevice 0.6.3 and gplots 2.11.0
I also …