Present code in attiny85.ino looks like the direction isn't supported. Is it a problem here? Also the pro micro code looks small enough 6.8 KiB. Can it be/I try porting it? Also why exactly is the dir…
I'm using and attiny 804, and I need to wake up from sleep to power a couple of LED strips (yes, you may have seen a similar code elsewhere). The code is this:
hi, i would like to drive 4 PWM led drivers with an attiny 84 MCU, i noticed i can not get all channels to output at same frequency, the datasheet suggest a prescaler of zero can be applied to both ti…
Hi Spence,
is it possible to define the TX pin (at Tiny85 sticking to Serial.* ) away from AIN0 to another port e.g. ADC3(PB3/Phys.Pin2) ?
Why? It blocks parallel use of I2C's SDA.
Merging your two ATtiny cores is a great idea! But now that you got support for SO many ATTinys, you (or maybe me) should unify all the pinout pics. Have a look at how I did it with the [MightyCore](h…
Ref: https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/tree/ac99c0ad6b/examples/system/ulp_fsm/ulp
Have you considered trying an ESP32 and using ULP mode? If I read the specs correctly, your Tiny13 and sleeping …
ただ流石に `HardwareSerial[0-3]` みたいなネーミングは避けたい
Validate main components to use for this project, in particular :
- Screen
- Accelerometer
- Battery
Also select aluminium profile to use
Almost exactly one year ago I used this library to make a 30 minute timer to automatically turn off a relay when the alarm triggers. It worked perfectly, I saved the Arduino sketch. Now I am attemptin…
Interrupt not work.
Button on PB0 (Work on polling)
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(0), VoidInt, RISING);
attachInterrupt(0, VoidInt, RISING);