Scale and centering of text is very jittery as you zoom around the viewer.
Problem is visible on all platforms but the effect is most noticeable on mobile (where refreshes occur frequently whilst zoo…
### Steps to reproduce the issue
~~The essence of the "Component Selector" parameter (displayed when creating a tour) is to hide / disable the display of the tour if the component itself is disabled …
Could not determine the dependencies of task ':react-native-app-tour:compileDebugAidl'.
> Could not resolve all task dependencies for configuration ':react-native-app-tour:debugCompileClasspath'.
Joint tour frequency model generates household joint tours. Then joint tour composition model determines if a joint tour is: 1 = Adult-only, 2 = Children-only, 3 = Mixed. Lastly, joint tour participa…
Suppose we want a tour stop to have a multiple choice question that you have to get right to move on, or that takes you to a different next stop depending on how you answer. This can be achieved just…
🍰 Appetite 🍰
| Property | Value |
| Points | 10 points |
| Difficulty rating | ★★☆☆☆|
| Maximum Assignees | 2 person |
🤔 Problem Statement
### **Description:**
I am experiencing an issue with Reactour when trying to integrate it with Drawer and Modal components. The tour steps are not correctly recognizing elements within these compon…
I'm trying to add some extra lights on vehicle models and control them for drivers around the cars.
I would like to suggest to add a new feature which is the automatic save of the last accessed tour page so the user could find himself again in the page that he left. I don't think newcomers will read…
### Reproduction link
[![Edit on StackBlitz](https://developer.stackblitz.com/img/open_in_stackblitz.svg)](https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-3f3wol-cmn7k3?file=demo.tsx)
### Steps to reproduce